Wednesday, 15 October 2014

3rd Journal Club: Remembering October Incidents

Welcome to the Social Sciences Journal Club! 

Our 3rd meeting will take place on Wednesday 29 October 2014 at 5 pm. The usual venue is Ratchapruek conference room, the Faculty of Social Sciences, Naresuan University.

This time we will recall (but many of you might be the first time!) the October incidents of 1973 and 1976. Our short "compulsory" reading is Jeffrey Race (1975)'s "Thailand in 1974: A New Constitution". This paper offers you a concise summary of Thai politics in the aftermath of 14 October 1973. What had happened in a year later the mass victory in Bangkok?

Nevertheless, we have an "optional" paper by Anonymous (1976)'s on Military Coup of 6 October 1976.

Please bear in mind that you need to read a compulsory reading before attending the journal club. Once you try your best to read it, you will gradually learn English and will have systematically thinking and analytical skills.

Come and contribute some useful comments to our beloved academic community! See you soon!

Download a compulsory paper here

(An optional reading is here)

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